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Accredited Qualifications

National Certificate: Film and Television


If you believe in the power of narrative and marvel at the impact that moving
pictures and synchronised sound can have on an audience, then this is the
programme for you!




Duration: 1 year


Entry Requirements: An FET Certificate: Film and Television Production Operations (NQF 4) or equivalent



a Grade 12 pass, together with evidence of relevant industry experience.


Further Education and Training Certificate:

Photography (NQF 4)

This qualification is aimed at learners who would like to take professional photographs for
a living or who wish to use this as stepping-stone into another field of the visual arts.




Duration: 1 year


Entry Requirements: Grade 11


National Certificate: Journalism (NQF 5)

This qualification has been developed for people who work or intend to work as junior journalists and
who seek recognition for essential competence.




Duration: 1 year


Entry Requirements: This qualification was designed and credited based on the assumption that a learner entering a programme leading to this qualification has achieved a Certificate or Diploma at NQF Level 5 for a baseline of general knowledge in a particular area of interest to the learner, such as politics, sport, oreducation, or equivalent and has communication and language competence in one language at NQF Level 4.


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